Saturday, January 12, 2013

eCommerce 2013

In our world of ever-changing technology, we continue to see huge growth in eCommerce business.  As devices and hand held portable gadgets make it so easy to surf the web, to point and click makes it simple and easy for anyone to buy instantly at the drop of hat.  That may eventually change the way we currently try to gauge the holiday season; to see what the shopping market is doing and just how shoppers are shopping, and how early.  October is the start of our busy season - just a few weeks before Halloween, we begin to experience the start of our holiday season!  In this Blog Post, I will share one of the interesting articles we've stumbled across.  I'm a positive person and I try to share rewarding and positive things; this one relates to small business and eCommerce...

Below is a snippet of the highlights from an article posted on the Pure-Ecommerce Blog:

Ecommerce Growth – Key Points to Consider
•             According to the US Online Retailer Forecast, 2011 to 2016, by Forrester Research 15% more consumers will be shopping online within the next five years and they will be spending on average 44% more than in brick and mortar stores. 
•             US Online Retail Forecast expects growth in the number of US consumers shopping online to rise from 167 million last year to 192 million by 2016.
•             The average amount spent by each consumer is expected to rise from $1,207 per annum to $1,738.
•             Consulting firm Booz & Company predicts the US online social network sales will grow by a heady 93% over the next half-decade with some $15 billion in revenues expected by 2015.
•             Forrester Research also reports US consumer e-retail spending is expected to increase 62% by 2016.
•             US Shoppers will spend $327 billion on online shopping in 2016, which is up 45% from $226 billion in 2012.

Record Breaking Statistics about Cyber Monday 2012
•             Cyber Monday beat Black Friday sales by 36%. This means consumers are turning to the ease and convenience of online shopping.
•             Cyber Monday shoppers prefer to use PCs and laptops to do their online shopping, while 18% used their mobile devices to browse online which actually increased by 70% since Cyber Monday 2011.
•             Cyber Monday 2012 resulted in mobile device sales of 13% which grew by 96% compared to 2011.

Reference: ~the Pure-Ecommerce Blog, December 2012

It's amazing to me how much the Internet continues to grow and consumers continue to conform to online shopping.  I'm certainly a fan!  With the amount of hours dedicated to work, the only way I knew holiday shopping would be accomplished is by the convenience of online shopping.  And why not?  No crowds to fight, no traffic jams to be stuck in, less risk of getting into an accident with all the drivers on the road scurrying to their destinations, and best of all is it's all done from the comfort of my own home!

I do know that our customers love to shop online and they love to find a place online that still has a personable touch; it's important for us to remain connected to our customers!  We love when we see return customers, and most often it is associated with two things: great customer service for an online shop and unique selection!

Small business and e-Commerce opportunities have allowed me to do something I've always wanted to do ~ open my own business doing something I love.  The support of our customers along with my family and friends has been tremendous and I am so happy to be able to not only provide a unique selection of gift baskets but to enjoy the rewards of owning a business and finding a way to give back to the community.  More to come on that but for now, good night!

Warm Wishes

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