Imagine what it would be like to arrive home and find a large box at your front door. The box has your name on it, and on the label it directs you to locate the gift card message. You bring the box inside and realize you're anxious with anticipation about what this box could possibly have inside for you! You carefully open the gift message and read it so you now know who sent this. You begin to open it up and find that it has been wrapped with care, nestled inside layers of packing material. As you peel your way through you discover a colorful item that looks like a gift basket or perhaps it's a cookie bouquet or a gift tower; whatever the gift may be, you look at it in awe as a smile begins to grow across your face!
You take the gift basket out and you hold it up with admiration and you become excited to find out what's inside. You place it on the counter and begin to examine it from all angles, you want to open it but it's so adorable that you don't want to open it up and ruin it. Eventually it's opened and you are enjoying the wonderful gifts that came overflowing in your gift basket. You're so happy, and you begin to realize how much fun gifts baskets are to receive! They're also just a fun to send; the surprise is a delight, as you know (wink).
This holiday season, send something that will be remembered for holiday seasons to come! Our gift baskets come loaded with keepsake gifts as well as delicious gourmet foods, snacks, cookies, fruits and so much more! Send one and buy one for yourself too; everyone deserves to treat themselves, especially around the holiday season!
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays | Happy Thanksgiving | Happy Hanukkah | Merry Christmas!

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